Breathe Well
We do it every day, mostly without thinking about it. This is a good thing because if we had to think about every breath...
Insomnia – Acupuncture beats drug for sleep
Acupuncture benefits sleep and reduces insomnia. This is the conclusion of a randomised- controlled trial in which acupuncture was compared to sham acupuncture and estalozam,...
Smoking: Stop smoking
October is Stop Smoking month - also known as Stoptober. We all know of the effects of nicotine on our health, increasing the risk of...
Coffee Morning
Next Friday the 30th of September will be a special day here at Wellpoint as we will be hosting a MacMillan Coffee Morning. Usually we...
Green Spaces of Finchley
Our green spaces in the city are vital to our health and well-being. They make living in big, crowded cities bearable, giving us space to...