
Breathe Well

  We do it every day, mostly without thinking about it. This is a good thing because if we had to think about every breath...

Insomnia – Acupuncture beats drug for sleep

Acupuncture benefits sleep and reduces insomnia. This is the conclusion of a randomised- controlled trial in which acupuncture was compared to sham acupuncture and estalozam,...

Smoking: Stop smoking

October is Stop Smoking month - also known as Stoptober. We all know of the effects of nicotine on our health, increasing the risk of...

Coffee Morning

Next Friday the 30th of September will be a special day here at Wellpoint as we will be hosting a MacMillan Coffee Morning. Usually we...

Green Spaces of Finchley

Our green spaces in the city are vital to our health and well-being. They make living in big, crowded cities bearable, giving us space to...

London Marathon

The London Marathon is here soon. This major event kick starts the summer sporting season with many other sporting events to follow over the coming months....

Wellpoint Walk

We are delighted to announce our Wellpoint Walk which Mike Gee, the well-known local walk leader, has arranged for us. We will take you on a...
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