Acupuncture Practice
Acupuncture: A Brief History
The history of Acupuncture is long and varied. Acupuncture is a medical practice that goes back at least 2000 years. The earliest written text describing the treatment...
Acupuncture: Side effects of acupuncture
People who have come to us for acupuncture treatment often say they experience beneficial changes on top of those for the condition they came for. ...
Dr Tan Balance Method
"It's a miracle! My neck pain is gone." This is the feedback from one of our patients after having received Dr Tan Balance Method to...
Body Clock
All living things respond to the cycles of the sun and moon, from the humble algae and bacteria through to animals and humans. Probably the...
Chinese Nutritional Therapy: an introduction
"I eat a healthy diet". As Chinese medicine practitioners we often hear this statement when asking patients about their food choices. But what is a...
Chinese Nutritional Therapy – classifications
Classifications of food in Chinese Nutritional Therapy Hot, cold, warming and cooling Within Chinese medicine every food is classified as having a particular nature; cold, hot,...
Community or multi-bed clinic
Wellpoint is a so-called community or multibed clinic. So how did these clinics come about and what are they? In China and the Far East...
Cupping Therapy
If you are watching the Olympics you may wonder what those dark red rings on some athletes' bodies are. These red ring marks are a...
Low Cost Multi-bed Clinic
Our aim in setting up a multi-bed clinic is to make it more affordable for people to have acupuncture and also to make it possible for...
Pulse Diagnosis
What is the pulse diagnosis for? One of the most important diagnostic tools of the acupuncture practitioner is feeling the pulse at the radial artery...
Tongue Diagnosis
So many patients are asking why we need to see their tongue. I know it is strange when we ask you to stick out your...
Tongue: Why do acupuncturists look at my tongue?
Why do acupuncturists look at their patients' tongue? One of the more unusual experiences for a person visiting an acupuncturist is the request, 'would you...