Wellpoint Walk

We are delighted to announce our Wellpoint Walk which Mike Gee, the well-known local walk leader, has arranged for us. We will take you on a delightful walk following a green route from our clinic in Finchley to Mill Hill.

We will meet at Wellpoint Clinic, 69 Ballards Lane, N3 1XT

11.45am for 12pm start – Junction of Ballards Lane & The Grove

dollis-brookThis walk traces a very pretty pathway to Mill Hill, along Lover’s Walk, Dollis Brook, round Rocklands Lake, Finchley Golf Club, Burtonhole Lane, Oakfields Wood, and Bittacy Park for a finish at Mill Hill East. The emphasis will be on health and wellbeing and we will have short stops along the way for such things as breathing exercises, simple Tai Chi exercises and talks on health issues. There will be a lunch stop at the grand Nether Court and a tea stop at The Summerhouse Café. From Mill Hill East we will take the 382 back to Finchley. The pace will be leisurely and there are plenty of drop out points along the way. We recommend that you bring a bottle of water with you and also a bus pass or Oyster card.

The cost of this walk is £3-00 per person. Please contact us to pre-order lunch and tea.

Distance to lunch stop – 1.4 miles. Total distance to finish – 3.8 miles.

For more details: 020 8346 5503 or email: mikegee1968@gmail.com

or contact Wellpoint on 020 3602 6724 or email: info@wellpointacupuncture.co.uk

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