
Other Treatments

Here at Wellpoint, we are happy to help you using acupuncture, or other treatments if time permits. We’re trained, experienced and caring practitioners in the following:


Glass cups are placed on the skin to create a local suction to mobilise blood flow in order to promote healing. Suction is created by using heat (fire) or hand or electrical pumps. There are three different ways of using cupping: static, sliding or empty cupping. In static cupping the cups are left in place for a certain amount of time. Sliding cupping is like a massage whereby cups are moved over the skin surface using a massage to make them slide smoothly. In empty cupping cups are being placed on the skin and moved quickly from one place to another and it is therefore lighter than static cupping.

The use of cupping therapy has been a part of most cultures of the world.

Cupping is often used to relax tense and stiff muscles.

Detail of an acupuncture therapist removing a glass globe in a fire cupping procedure
moxibustion treatment after injury alternative chinese medicine


This is a technique that involves the burning of a herb called mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris).

There are two types of moxibustion: direct and indirect. In direct moxibustion, a small, cone-shaped amount of moxa is placed on top of an acupuncture point and burned. As soon as the area feels warm the cone is taken off by the practitioner.

In indirect moxibustion, a practitioner lights one end of a moxa stick, roughly the shape and size of a cigar, and holds it close to the area being treated for several minutes until the area feels warm. Another form of indirect moxibustion uses both acupuncture needles and moxa. A needle is inserted into an acupoint and retained. The tip of the needle is then wrapped in moxa and ignited, generating heat to the point and the surrounding area. After the desired effect is achieved, the moxa is extinguished and the needle(s) removed.

Moxa is used to warm points or areas of the body. The patient will experience a pleasant warming sensation that penetrates deep into the body.

Gua Sha

With a small, round edged gua sha tool, long stroking movements are made on the skin, using a cream or tincture. This will leave some red markings on the body, called the sha or also known as petechiae. The markings will usually fade after 2 to 3 days.

Gua sha stimulates blood flow and is often used for pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.

Young woman receiving facial massage with gua sha tool in beauty salon


For this additional treatment small electrodes are attached to two needles and a small current will go between these needles. This has a positive effect on the soft tissues and nerves. It stimulates and helps to regenerate muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

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