Fertility: Acupuncture for fertility

There has been much comment in the press in recent years about the benefits of acupuncture for fertility concerns. The results of some research studies into acupuncture are very promising. There are many research studies that suggest acupuncture may help in various areas relating to fertility and conception.

Research has been conducted into its use in the following areas:

  • Regulating the menstrual cycle
  • Reducing stress by decreasing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. High stress levels are associated with reduced chances of conceiving
  • Improving blood circulation to the pelvic organs, including the ovaries and uterus, allowing the reproductive organs to work to their full potential
  • Increasing blood circulation to the uterus ensures optimal endometrial thickness
  • Helping to trigger ovulation in some women with ovulatory dysfunction
  • Helping women with PCOS, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, pelvic inflammation
  • Improving sperm count, motility and structural abnormalities

Moods, hormones and cycles govern women who are trying for a baby. Acupuncture makes a connection between the heart, which governs our emotions in Chinese medicine, and the uterus. Strong emotions affect the qi or energy and this can become blocked by strong emotions.

In eastern medicine the heart encompasses the mind and spirit. If the qi is unable to flow down to the uterus because of stress, worry or anger blocking the way, it will inevitably be harder to maintain regular cycles and fall pregnant.

Women who are trying to get pregnant naturally may feel anxious and emotional. Acupuncturists will take time to find out about your lifestyle, diet and general health. This informs our treatment but also allows to establish a rapport and as a result women feel cared for and listened to. This in turn allows for a greater sense of well-being.

What to expect

Acupuncture  treatments are designed to improve the quality of a woman’s eggs, as well as a man’s sperm.

Acupuncture treatments have the potential to improve the environment of the female reproductive system in order to encourage fertilisation and implantation. Whatever the nature of your fertility problem, Acupuncture can optimise your chances of conceiving, whether naturally or when combined with a method of Assisted Fertility Treatment.

Plan ahead

Since it normally takes time for a patient to benefit from Acupuncture, we recommend that you plan ahead. We recommend that you consult us and start Acupuncture treatments at least three to four months before you embark on your assisted fertility treatment.

Methods of diagnosis

Inspection – The first thing we will do as an acupuncturist is carry out a physical inspection by observing your general and local physical condition, including your facial complexion and your body, as well as reading your pulse, and looking at your tongue’s colour and coating of its surface. Each of these aspects tells us something about your overall constitution and the health and well-being of your body.

Inquiry – We will discuss your medical history in detail, including fertility tests, investigations and assisted fertility treatments you may have had previously; your lifestyle habits, sleeping pattern, diet, bowel movements, micturition and the woman’s menstrual flow and cycle.

Palpation – We will take your pulse at three points on each wrist.  The pulse diagnosis is important in Traditional Chinese Medicine because it gives practitioners information about your energy flow and blood circulation.

Preparing to conceive together

It takes two and this stressful journey is traveled more easily when the two of you do it together, supporting each other. We encourage couples to attend together.


At Wellpoint Acupuncture we are aware of the expense involved in fertility treatments. Our aim is making acupuncture affordable and accessible to all.

We therefore introduce  the following fees for fertility treatments:

First consultation and acupuncture treatment for one £35 (allow 60 minutes)

First consultation and treatment  for both partners £60

Nutritional advice £30.

Subsequent  acupuncture treatments £25 per session (allow 45 – 60 mins)

Subsequent  acupuncture treatments for both partners £45

10% discount available for 6 ‘follow up’ treatments package paid in advance

for one £135

for couples £240


* Couples – The discount is for Acupuncture treatment for both partners given in the same week .

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